
Accra – When we think of the successful operation of any organization, we often tend to focus on the visible figures who take the spotlight. However, there are many hardworking individuals who play an equally crucial role in ensuring that the organization functions smoothly, yet often go unnoticed. One such group of individuals are drivers, who work tirelessly behind the scenes to transport goods, services and people from one place to another, contributing to the overall success of the organization and in spite of any circumstances, for IOM, they are always on the move for migrants and other people on the move.

“I carry myself as the face of the organization, respecting people and having a good relationship with them. With the kind of work we do, I also need to ensure that my actions go a long way to bring hope to people and uphold the image and integrity of the organization. Bringing hope and life changing services to people, to returned migrants, makes me happy and that is why I drive.”

Meet Mr. Samuel Otoo, a Driver with IOM Ghana. He has worked with IOM Ghana for the past 20 years.

A portrait of Mr. Sam Otoo- IOM Ghana/ Kate Endswell

Reflecting on his years of experience in driving, he says: “Driving needs a lot of strength and energy. If you are sick, it will be impossible to work so it is necessary to take care of your health.”

IOM Ghana, in its effort of promoting humane, safe, and orderly migration for the benefit of all and leaving no one behind, goes to the most remote parts of the country. To get to many of these locations safely, is the job of the drivers.

“I have travelled across the length and breadth of Ghana which has made me know the country very well and relate well with people, especially the migrants we work with,” says Mr. Otoo.

Mr Otoo believes in teamwork to achieve the goals of the organization: “As a driver, I am proud to be part of a larger team effort. I know that my contributions, no matter how small, play an important role in ensuring that our organization is successful. By working together with other colleagues, we can overcome challenges and achieve our goals, ultimately delivering the best possible service to migrants and staff.”

He adds that “effective teamwork requires clear communication, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to achieving our organization's objectives. When everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal, we can achieve great things.”

Mr Otoo is a hardworking staff member who believes that individual actions and inactions can affect the next person, and it is these principles he lives by in doing his work.

He appreciates the lifesaving work that IOM Ghana does and how his little contribution of driving helps leave no one behind.

Mr. Otoo at IOM Ghana staff retreat- IOM Ghana/ David Darko

"I will never forget this day when I transported a group of staff to visit a migrant, and as the migrant and the family saw the staff, tears of joy streamed down their faces. In that moment, I realized the profound impact that my work as a driver can have on people's lives. It's not just about transporting goods and services; it's about bringing hope and humanity to those in need. That is the true reward of my work, and it inspires me to continue serving with all my heart."

He continues saying: “I am humbled by the opportunity to transport migrants and support the work of IOM. I am proud to be part of this team, and grateful for the opportunity to contribute to something larger than myself. In my little way, I will continue to do my part in bringing smiles to the faces of migrants wherever I go.”

Mr. Otoo in a group activity at IOM Ghana staff retreat - IOM Ghana/ Angela Bortey
SDG 3 - Good Health and Well Being
SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth