
Harnessing the Potential of the Ghanaian Diaspora for National Development: Coordinated Efforts Needed

Accra, GhanaOn 17 October 2023, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Ghana, the UN Migration Agency, spearheaded the annual conference of the Migration Coordination Platform (MCP), which, this year, focused on diaspora engagement. Participating migration stakeholders from government agencies, civil society organizations, and various other partners assessed how to maximize support to the Government to reap the benefits of diaspora engagement for national development.

The MCP was established in 2021 by development partners and multilateral agencies in the migration sector in Ghana to better coordinate migration related interventions and to identify and bridge gaps in migration management. It has two sub-groups which focus on Border Governance and Return and Reintegration and meet on a quarterly basis. Once a year, the MCP organizes a national gathering to enhance understanding and exchange information on contemporary migration issues. This year, the theme is diaspora engagement.

In her opening remarks, Fatou Diallo Ndiaye, Chief of Mission, IOM Ghana, said: "IOM believes in the power of diaspora engagement as a catalyst for transformative change. As a co-chair of the MCP, IOM is committed to uniting our efforts to tap into the immense potential of the Ghanaian diaspora, and to unlock opportunities that drive not only individual prosperity but contribute significantly to Ghana’s development journey.

Highlighting the significance of the Ghanaian diaspora, estimated to be between 1.5 and 3 million citizens residing mainly in countries such as Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire, the UK, the USA, Germany, the Netherlands, and Canada, the MCP acknowledges their substantial contributions to the country.

In a panel discussion on opportunities for diaspora financing, Nadia Takyiwaa-Mensah, Ahaspora Professionals Network and Diaspora representative, said: "I have witnessed firsthand the great potential for diaspora financing in our homeland. There is a strong desire among many diaspora members to invest in Ghana's growth, tapping into sectors ranging from technology to agriculture. Our financial contributions not only fuel businesses but also empower local communities, drive sustainable development and foster a sense of shared prosperity." 

The discussions are timely with the recent approval of the Diaspora Engagement Policy (DEP) by the Cabinet of Government in August 2023. Akwasi Awua Ababio, Director of Diaspora Affairs, Office of the President, said: "The Diaspora Engagement Policy is a significant step towards strengthening our relationship with the diaspora. By promoting constructive engagement and offering a legal frameworks that extend privileges to Ghanaians in the diaspora, we aim to mobilize resources for sustainable national development and enhance accurate data dissemination."

In view of the launch of the DEP later this year, stakeholders expressed optimism in creating meaningful and impactful initiatives that, when coordinated well, will fully harness the potential of the diaspora towards Ghana's sustainable development.

The Migration Coordination Platform (MCP) is chaired by IOM, and co-chaired by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

For more information, please contact Mr. Nnamdi Iwuora, Senior Programme Manager, IOM Ghana, at

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